The Science Behind Stress-Induced Graying
Feb 12, 2025 | By Maria Eliza Pineda

White or gray hair is a normal thing to experience once you start getting older. Just like wrinkles and age spots, gray hair is a common sign of aging. Usually, people will start going gray in their 40s or 50s. However, there are instances when it happens earlier such as your early 30s. There are also instances when it happens even earlier when people are in their teens and early 20s. This is called premature graying. One of the main causes of this is stress.
In this article, we’ll discuss how stress and gray hair are connected, as well as solutions to restore your natural hair color.
The Science Behind Hair Color
Hair color depends on a pigment called melanin, which is produced by melanocyte stem cells within hair follicles. There are two types of melanin responsible for hair color: eumelanin (black or brown) and pheomelanin (red or yellow). When melanin production stops, new hair growth lacks pigment and turns white or gray.
How Does Stress Cause Gray Hair?
When the body experiences severe stress, it activates the fight-or-flight response, a mechanism that helps us deal with danger. One of the main chemicals released during this process is norepinephrine, which directly affects melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicles.
According to studies from the National Institutes of Health, when melanocyte stem cells are exposed to high levels of norepinephrine, they deplete quickly. As a result, hair can no longer produce melanin, leading to gray or white strands. In short, extreme stress can cause stress-induced hair graying by depleting the stem cells responsible for hair pigmentation.
Stress is also a big contributing factor to other health issues that can lead to pigment production being halted or reduced.
Can Natural Hair Color Be Restored?
While it has long been believed that graying is a permanent change, new studies suggest that gray hair can be reversed. Some researchers have found that when stress is reduced, some melanocyte stem cells may reactivate and begin producing melanin again. However, this depends on an individual's condition, including age, health, and stress levels.
Natural Solutions to Restore Hair Color
One of the most effective ways to restore natural hair color is by using natural products like the Mayraki Anti-Grey Hair Color Restoring Treatment. It contains 100% plant based ingredients that help stimulate melanin production and restore hair follicle health. Unlike typical hair dyes or color depositing products, the Mayraki Anti-Grey Hair Color Restoring Treatment doesn’t cover up grays with artificial pigments. It restores your natural hair color by boosting pigment production at the very follicle of your hair.
Ways to Prevent Stress-Induced Graying
Managing Stress
Practice self-care and relaxation techniques such as meditation, exercise, yoga, etc. You can also practice your hobbies, travel, take vacations, or spend time with loved ones to unwind. Avoid overthinking and make sure to get enough sleep regularly. Always balance things and prioritize your health.
Proper Diet for Hair Health
Your hair gets its nutrients from what you eat. While hair care does play a big part, your hair health still mostly depends on your diet. Eat foods rich in antioxidants such as berries, nuts, and leafy greens to combat oxidative stress and foods rich in protein, minerals, and fatty acids to keep the hair healthy and strong.
You can also take supplements to give your hair a boost. Popular ones are biotin, collagen, vitamin, iron, and zinc. Be sure to consult a health professional before taking any kind of supplement and always drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated.
Regular Hair Care Routine
It’s important to also have a good hair care routine that suits your hair type and lifestyle. Choose products with high quality ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your hair and scalp. Look for natural and gentle ingredients that will give your hair nourishment without damaging it. Sulfate, paraben, and silicone-free products are ideal because they are gentlest and safest on your hair.
Always in Moderation
Top contributors for causing premature gray hair are smoking and drinking. Of course, we are all just human and it can be fun to socialize or destress with these vices. But always remember to do these things in moderation. If you have a habit of overdrinking and smoking regularly, toning things down and only doing them occasionally will go a long way in preventing premature graying.
Don’t Stress
There is a clear connection between stress and gray hair. When stress is not properly managed, it can accelerate stress-related hair changes, including loss of pigmentation. Fortunately, there are ways to counteract this, such as reducing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and using natural products like the Mayraki Anti-Grey Hair Color Restoring Treatment. Through these methods, it is possible to preserve natural color.