Mayraki Blog

Everyday Habits That Damage Your Hair

Dec 20, 2023 | By ed

Everyday Habits That Damage Your Hair

Hair is considered our crowning glory, but are you aware that some of our everyday habits might unknowingly be causing hair damage? From excessive heat styling to neglecting proper care, your routines can significantly impact the health and appearance of your hair. Another example is washing your hair daily with shampoo that can strip away natural oil and moisture. Daily hair styling gels and creams can ruin your scalp and hair follicles. These habits can cause damage to your hair, and before you know it, the damage is worse and sometimes unmanageable.

But it's not too late to alter some of your hair routine to prevent damage and other hair-related problems. To figure out the best solution to combat hair damage, first, let’s find out what are the everyday habits that damage your hair.

What Damages Hair Most?

What Damages Hair Most?

Taking care of your hair doesn't have to be complicated. By being mindful of these everyday habits, you can help your locks stay healthy, vibrant, and beautiful. Here is the list of the most common everyday habits that can surprisingly damage your precious locks.

1. Heat Styling Tools

Curling iron, flat irons and blow dryer might be your go-to for achieving your desired look, excessive heat styling can lead to dryness, breakage, and brittle hair. Opt for lowest heat settings, use heat protectant products, and give your hair a break from styling tools to maintain its natural shine, strength and to prevent damaged hair. Additionally, be mindful in using hot tools when styling, always choose the lowest heat setting to prevent hair and heat damage.

2. Tight Ponytails

Pulling your hair back tightly into ponytails, braids, or buns might seem convenient, but constant and too much tension can lead to hair breakage and cause traction alopecia. Try looser hairstyles or use hair-friendly accessories or hair ties like scrunchies to minimize strand stress, hair loss and damaged hair.

3. Overwashing

While cleanliness is important, washing your hair daily can remove natural oils, leaving it brittle, dry, and frizzy. Find a balance that suits your hair types—some might thrive with fewer washes per week, while others might need more frequent cleansing. Additionally, avoid washing your hair with hot water. If you choose not to wash your hair, use a dry shampoo with botanical extracts to keep your locks shiny and fresh.

4. Disregarding Protective Measures

Exposing your hair to harsh environmental elements like sun, wind, and pollution without protection can cause damage over time. Consider wearing hats or applying a hair mask with UV filters to shield your hair from the sun, and rinse your hair after swimming in chlorinated pools to prevent chemical damaged hair.

5. Rough Towel Drying

Vigorously rubbing your hair with a towel can cause friction and breakage. Instead, gently pat or squeeze excess water out and opt for a microfiber or soft cotton towel to blot your hair gently. Air drying is one of the best and natural ways to dry your hair to achieve healthier hair.

6. Wrong Hair Products

Using products unsuitable for your hair type can lead to product residue buildup, irritation, and even chemical damage. Understand your hair's needs—moisture, volume, or specific treatment—and choose products formulated to address those needs. Harsh chemicals can lead to unhealthy hair and scalp. Use nourishing products with natural formulation to achieve healthy hair and combat hair damage.

7. Skipping Regular Haircuts and Trims

Avoiding regular hair trims might seem like a time saver, but split ends and breakage can lead to more damage. Every 6-8 weeks, go for a trim to maintain healthy ends and prevent further damage. Furthermore , regular haircuts are crucial to prevent split ends from going all the way up to your hair shaft.

8. Brushing your Hair while Wet

According to experts, your hair is in a fragile state and prone to breakage when it's wet. If possible, detangle with a wide-tooth comb or a specialized wet brush to minimize hair damage. Start from the end and work your way up gently. Excessive brushing can lead to hair loss, breakage and frizz.

9. Poor Nutrition and Stress

Believe it or not, too much stress and an imbalanced diet can affect your hair's health. Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation, yoga, or a simple stroll in nature. Ensure you have a balanced and nutritious diet to nourish your body with vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

10. Ignoring Hair Health Signs

Paying attention to changes in your hair strands, texture, and shine, or excessive shedding is crucial. These could indicate underlying issues or damage that need addressing, so consult a professional if you notice any changes.

Simple Tips for Habits that Damage Your Hair

Simple Tips for Habits that Damage Your Hair

Our daily routines often subject our hair to various stressors, leading to damage that can dampen its shine and strength. Your everyday hair routine can influence the vitality of your hair. Sometimes, the things that damage your hair are the simple habits we do daily. Here are some simple yet effective tips to shield your hair from everyday harm:

Choose Gentle Hair Care

Swap out harsh, sulfate-laden shampoos for milder, chemical-free alternatives. These gentle cleansers maintain your scalp's natural oils without removing essential moisture from your locks. Also, use a wide-tooth comb to detangle wet hair instead of forcing through knots with a brush to prevent breakage.

Mindful Towel Drying

Ditch the aggressive towel-drying routine! Instead, wrap your hair in a soft, microfiber towel or an old cotton t-shirt to gently absorb excess water. Pat or squeeze your hair gently, avoiding rubbing or wringing, which can cause frizz and breakage.

Simple Hairstyles

Protect your hair by avoiding overly tight updos and hairstyles that tug on your roots, causing unnecessary stress and potential breakage. Opt for looser braids, buns, or ponytails to reduce tension on your locks. Utilize protective styles that keep your strands secure without pulling excessively. As much as possible, give your hair a break by avoiding hot tools in styling your hair.

Protect from the Elements

The sun, wind, and pollution can affect your hair by simply wearing a hat, scarf, or umbrella to shield your tresses from harsh UV rays and other environmental pollutants. Additionally, using hair care products with UV protection can add an extra layer of defense.

Regular Trims

Scheduled trims might seem counterintuitive, but they are crucial for maintaining healthy hair. Trim your ends every 6-8 weeks to prevent them from splitting further. Regular cuts can keep your mane looking fresh and healthy.

Choose Silk or Satin Pillowcases

Cotton pillowcase can cause friction, leading to hair breakage and frizz while you sleep. Opt for a satin or silk pillowcase to minimize friction and prevent your hair from getting tangled while sleeping.

Balanced Diet

Believe it or not, what you eat affects your scalp and hair health. Ensure your diet includes protein, vitamins, biotin, and minerals like iron and zinc. Drink plenty of water to keep your locks hydrated.

Listen to Your Hair

Pay attention to changes in your hair's texture, appearance, itchy scalp, and excessive shedding. These signs often indicate underlying issues that may need professional attention. Knowing the signs of early damage can prevent hair problems. Above all, treat your hair with love and care. Avoid unnecessary manipulation, and give it the nourishment it deserves with regular deep conditioning treatments or masks.

Listen to Your Hair


In our daily routines, our hair often bears the brunt of our good and bad habits. From the warmth of a styling tool to the careless tug of a hair tie, our actions can significantly impact the health and vitality of our locks.

According to celebrity hairstylists, our hair is like delicate silk strands that deserve gentle care. By being mindful of our styling habits like adjusting to the lowest heat setting, choosing hairstyles that prioritize comfort, and embracing protective measures against environmental stressors—we pave the way for healthier, happier and damage free hair.

Remember, the small adjustments count, opting for gentle cleansing, scheduled trims, and nourishing treatments. These seemingly simple actions add to a world of difference for the well-being of our precious locks. Stay mindful of the habits that damage your hair, be responsible for your locks to maintain its glow and overall hair goals.