Practicing Mindfulness In Times Of Pandemic
Jul 21, 2022 | By Justine Ses

Right now, we’re in a moment that may trigger anxiety. We may have thoughts about what we should have done to be better prepared, and we almost certainly have concerns about what will happen next and what the future will look like.
People now are finding their own ways to cope while being in quarantine, and this time could be an excellent opportunity to promote better health.
Meditation has been used to help reduce stress and control anxiety. While many still consider meditation to be reserved for Buddhist monks only, it is now more common than ever before. Studies have also shown that clearing your mind for just fifteen minutes a day can have a sizeable impact on combatting depression and anxiety.
Focus On Positivity
There is no denying that the recent COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. This pandemic is having a severe impact on our mental health.
Here are a few ways to promote positivity:
- Express your feelings
- Help others
- Find the positives in rough times.
- Be grateful for what you have.
- Don’t give up