Mayraki Blog

​What Causes Grey Hair?

Aug 22, 2022 | By Justine Ses

​What Causes Grey Hair?
Like wrinkles, grey hairs are a visible sign of ageing—and let's be clear, there is nothing wrong with that. It's a part of life, and a beautiful piece at that. But if you've ever wondered what causes hair to change colour over time, trust me, you're not alone! Intrigued? Here's what you need to know:When do most women go grey?Most women who are in their 30s should see a few grey hairs. But by the …
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Top Online Shops to Check Out on Autumn Sale

Aug 22, 2022 | By Denise V.

Top Online Shops to Check Out on Autumn Sale
Autumn Sale is everywhere, and you definitely want to check out the best deals on your favorite brand today! Since the future of shopping may seem to be turning into digital, we’re giving you the top 3 must-have this fall you can’t miss out! And the good thing is – you can shop online! Read along!Mayraki Autumn SaleGet dibs on your favorite natural hair products with a huge 20% off discount. …
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Tips on How to Maintain Color-Treated Hair

Aug 22, 2022 | By Denise V.

Tips on How to Maintain Color-Treated Hair
Finally! You’ve committed to a new hair color!Whatever the occasion is, we make sure to always look our best – and that includes trying out different hair colors and haircuts. With proper hair care, your hair color can last a long time. The question is, how do you maintain your color-treated hair? If you’ve gone risky and full-blown bold colors like fiery red, vibrant orange, pink, fro …
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The Science of Dry Shampoo: How does it work?

Aug 22, 2022 | By Denise V.

The Science of Dry Shampoo: How does it work?
If you’re always on the go, yet want to make your hair look in its best state, then dry shampoo is the perfect solution to that. For some, dry shampoos have caused confusion that it’s only used for those with dry hair. But the real thing is, dry shampoo is used even when your hair is not wet. Unlike your traditional shampoo, dry shampoo is applied does not need water, can be applied dire …
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Simple Hair Care Tips for Different Hair Types

Aug 22, 2022 | By Denise V.

Simple Hair Care Tips for Different Hair Types
Our hair is our crowning glory, and every hair type is beautiful. Be pride in whatever texture you have, and always take care of it.If you’re always struggling on how to do a proper hair care routine and maintaining your hair, then you’ve come to right page. Taking care of your hair shouldn’t be a hassle than you think it is. First things first, identify your hair type. From there, do a simple …
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