Mayraki Blog

5 Best Hair Care Routine Steps to Follow

Mar 17, 2022 | By Queenie Jade

5 Best Hair Care Routine Steps to Follow
Most of us have a skincare regimen but do we also have a hair care routine? Taking care of our hair is as important as skincare. Your hair routine can vary a bit depending on the type of hair you have. Achieving healthy and shiny hair takes effort. We have gathered the best hair care routine steps that you can start doing to take better care of your locks. Read our guide, and you’re on your way to …
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Best Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type

Apr 25, 2021 | By Maria Eliza Pineda

Best Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type
Every type of hair needs a different kind of hair care routine. Want to know what the best hair care routine you can do for your hair type? Here are a few tips! Hair comes in all shapes and sizes. Textures can differ so much from person to person and there really is no one size fits all hair care routine that will take care of everyone’s type of hair equally. To really optimize your rout …
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7 Hair Care Routine Don’ts You Should Avoid

Apr 23, 2021 | By Maria Eliza Pineda

7 Hair Care Routine Don’ts You Should Avoid
Is your hair care routine as good for your hair as you think? Find out the hair care routine don’ts that you might still be doing that’s damaging your hair.Your hair care routine should always consist of the best things to do for your hair and on the surface, it may appear like that. Everything you’re doing might seem like the right thing to do and something that’s benefitting your hair. Howe …
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