Mayraki Blog

The Science Behind Stress-Induced Graying

Feb 12, 2025 | By Maria Eliza Pineda

The Science Behind Stress-Induced Graying
White or gray hair is a normal thing to experience once you start getting older. Just like wrinkles and age spots, gray hair is a common sign of aging. Usually, people will start going gray in their 40s or 50s. However, there are instances when it happens earlier such as your early 30s. There are also instances when it happens even earlier when people are in their teens and early 20s. This is call …
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The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Hair Pigmentation

Jan 23, 2025 | By Maria Eliza Pineda

The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Hair Pigmentation
Hair is an important aspect of someone’s identity and style. Many put a lot of effort and time to make their hair look a certain way to express themselves and their personality. As you age, however, hair can go through a lot of changes including gray hair. You may notice a correlation between different events in your life that will give you an indication how your hormones can affect the pigmentati …
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