Mayraki Blog

Understanding High Porosity Hair: Causes, Prevention, and Care Tips

Apr 20, 2024 | By Eds

Understanding High Porosity Hair: Causes, Prevention, and Care Tips

You're using all the right hair care products, but your hair still appears dull and frizzy, especially in humid weather. Have you noticed how it tangles easily despite conditioning it every day? Does your hair feel dry, quickly absorbs products, and dries fast? These are common signs that you might have high-porosity hair. In this blog, let's understand high-porosity hair, its causes, prevention, and tips for keeping your locks healthy.

What is High Porosity Hair?

High porosity hair is like a sponge that's always thirsty. It's hair that absorbs a lot of moisture because it has many tiny openings on its surface. These openings, called cuticles, are like doors that let moisture in easily, but they also let it out just as quickly. So, even if you drench your hair in moisture, most of it won't stay locked in. This is why people with high porosity hair often struggle with dry, dull, damaged, or frizzy locks.

Hair porosity is divided into three main types: low, medium, and high. Low-porosity hair has a tight layer that doesn't let moisture in easily, while high-porosity hair quickly absorbs moisture but has trouble keeping it. On the other hand, Medium-Porosity hair falls in the middle. Having medium-porosity hair is great because it means your hair can absorb and hold onto moisture just right. Each type needs special care to keep your mane healthy and happy.

Characteristics of high porosity hair include:

  1. Rapid moisture absorption: High porosity hair quickly absorbs water but loses moisture just as fast.
  2. Prone to damage: The raised cuticles make the hair more susceptible to damage from heat, chemicals, and environmental factors.
  3. Difficulty retaining moisture: Despite its ability to absorb moisture quickly, high-porosity hair struggles to maintain it, leading to dryness and frizz.
  4. Tendency to tangle: The rough texture of high-porosity hair can cause it to tangle easily.

Why Knowing Your Hair Type Matters

Understanding your hair type and high porosity can help you take better care of it. Knowing the science behind hair porosity can help you select the right products and treatments to keep your hair healthy and looking its best. Here, we'll discuss high-porosity hair and why it matters for hair health.

High Porosity Hair Explained

High porosity hair is when your hair has open or raised cuticles. This means moisture can quickly get in and out of your hair, but it often struggles to hold onto it. As a result, high-porosity hair can end up feeling dry, looking dull, and getting frizzy.

What Porosity Means for Your Hair

Hair porosity is how well hair soaks up and holds onto moisture. It's decided by the condition of the outer layer, called the cuticle. Low-porosity hair has tightly shut cuticles, while high-porosity hair has open ones.

Hair Structure and Porosity

Your hair has three layers: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla. Like a layer of scales, the cuticle protects the inside of your hair. If your hair has high porosity, those scales might be damaged or lifted, often because of genetics, using too much heat on your hair, or chemical treatments like dying or perming.

Things That Make Hair Highly Porous

Many things can make your hair more porous, like your genes, using heat tools too often, or getting chemical treatments like bleaching. Even the environment, like being out in the sun or in harsh weather, can affect how porous your hair is.

Read more related blogs:

  1. What Type of Hair Do You Have?
  2. Best Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type
  3. Best Hair Care Routine: Step-by-Step Guide for Healthy Hair

Tips for Managing High Porosity Hair

Dealing with high-porosity hair can be challenging. But there are easy and simple ways to make your tresses look great and prevent them from further damage. Whether your hair is dry, frizzy, or just hard to handle, these simple suggestions will keep it looking and feeling healthy and vibrant.

  1. Hydrate your Hair

Aside from using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, drinking enough water is vital to keep your locks hydrated and well moisturized. H2O is essential for the overall well-being of your body.

  1. Lock in Moisture

After washing and conditioning, apply a leave-in conditioner or light oil to seal moisture into your hair. Natural oil extracts from various plants can boost the vitality and health of your hair. Apple cider vinegar can help restore pH balance and smooth your hair cuticle.

  1. Say No to Heat

Try to steer clear of heat-styling tools whenever you can. Blow dryers and flat irons can harm your hair and worsen porosity. Give your hair a break and let it air dry instead.

  1. Handle with Care

Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to gently detangle your hair. To prevent damage, avoid rough towel drying and opt for a microfiber towel.

  1. Boost with Protein

Treat your hair to protein treatments to strengthen it and reduce porosity. Eat protein-rich foods to help revitalize and nourish your hair.

  1. Go for Protective Styles

Try protective hairstyles like braids or twists to shield your hair from environmental damage. Use hair accessories like hats and scarves to protect your hair from harsh winds and UV rays.

  1. Trim Regularly

Cutting away dead ends can keep your hair looking healthy and bouncy. Make it a habit to trim your hair often to remove split ends.

  1. Choose Products Wisely

Buy products that have natural ingredients like coconut oil, tea tree oil, shea butter, and aloe vera extracts. These are made specifically to repair high-porosity hair.

  1. Deep Condition Often

Regular deep conditioning treatments provide the nourishment your hair craves. Make sure to schedule them regularly to give your hair the nourishment it needs.

  1. Patient is a Must

Managing high-porosity hair takes time, so stick to your routine and be patient for effective, long-lasting results.

Recommended Hair Care Products for High Porosity Hair

Consider using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to hydrate and nourish high-porosity hair. These include products enriched with coconut oil, shea butter, and aloe vera extracts. Moreover, try leave-in conditioners and creams designed for high-porosity hair to seal moisture and prevent frizz. The Mayraki Silky Smooth Proactive Hair Repairing Treatment is the best product to use to combat hair breakage and enhance the vitality of your tresses.

Look for light oils like argan, jojoba, grapeseed oil, and serums to give your locks added hydration and nourishment. Opt for protein-rich products for deep conditioning treatments to strengthen and repair your hair. Finally, maintain hair health using pH-balanced shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. These recommendations will help you effectively care for your high-porosity hair, keeping it moisturized, strong, and healthy.


Understanding your hair type and its porosity level is vital to maintaining healthy hair. You can improve your condition and appearance by embracing your high-porosity hair and following a tailored care routine. Throughout the post, we've emphasized the significance of hydration, avoiding heat damage, and using appropriate hair care products. We encourage you to take proactive steps in caring for your hair and explore the recommended products designed explicitly for high-porosity hair.

Incorporating these products into your routine can help address your hair's unique needs and achieve your desired results. Remember to visit our website to discover our high-porosity hair care products selection, and join us on social media for updates.